SAT March 2020 International Question and Answer paper (PDF)第0张

SAT March 2020 International Question and Answer paper (PDF)

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SAT March 2020 International Question and Answer paper (PDF)

Reading Test

Questions 1-10 - Literature - March 2020 International SAT QAS

This Passage is from Elizabeth Gaskell,North and South.Originally published in 1854-55.John Thornton would like his mother and his sister Fanny to pay a social visit to his friends the Hales in Crampton.

Passage body : Mr.Thornton had had some difficulty in working up his mother to the desired point of civility. She did not often make calls; and when she did, it was in heavy state that she went through her duties. Her son had given her a carriage; but she........


Questions 11-21 - History - March 2020 International SAT QAS paper

Passage1 is adapted from a speech delivered to the Governing Board of the Pan-American Union in 1933 by President Franklin D.Roosevelt.Passage2 is adapted from Carleton Beals,The Coming Struggle for Latin America.1938 by Carleton Beals.In his speech, Roosevelt formally announced the Good Neighbor Policy.

Passage body : In my Inaugural Address I stated that I would "dedicate this Nation to the policy of the good neighbor-the neighbor who resolutely respects himself and, because he does so, respects the rights of others-the neighbor who respects his obligations...........


Questions 22-32 - Science - March 2020 International SAT QAS paper

This passage is adapted from Todd M.Freeberg,Jeffrey R. Lucas,and lndrikis,Krams,"The Complex Call of the Carolina Chickadee.©2012 by Sigma Xi,The Scientific Research Honor Society.Chickadees are a species of parid,small birds that eat insects and seeds.The labels assigned to chick-a-dee notes do not correspond to human musical notation.

Passage body : Individual parids are often out of sight of flockmates as they move through the environment,so a vocal signaling system that can convey messages related to predators, food, or group movement seems crucial to obtaining the benefits of group living........


Questions 33-42 - Science - March 2020 International SAT QAS paper

This passage is adapted from Thalma Lobel,Sensation:The New Science of Physical Intelligence,2014 by Thalma Lobel.

Passage body : In 2008, at Yale University, a student named Lawrence Williams and his professor John Bargh recruited forty-one students for a psychology study. One by one, the students were led into a lobby, where they were greeted by a young research assistant who.......


Questions 43-52 -Science - March 2020 International SAT QAS paper

This passage is adapted from Amy Coombs,"Down and Dirty."2012 by The Scientist.


Official March 2020 International SAT QAS paper(PDF) include:

Reading Test and Answer

Writing and Language Test and Answer

Math Test-No Calculator and Answer

Math Test-Calculator(No Answer)


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